
We need your help! Please sponsor the Booster Club! Supporting the CHHS athletic program has its challenges. Being a relatively new school, we do not have the budget surpluses that other schools have. Our student athletics compete at both the Varsity and JV level and we want to give them every advantage to be successful. With the support from sponsors, we can make a difference to our Corinth Holder High School Athletic programs. You can help make our teams feel supported by their community.

Click the link below to open our sponsorship registration form or view examples of what the signs look like.  Please print and fill out the form.

Sponsorship Information

Once the form is complete, you need to take the form and payment to one of the following:
  • Mail it to the CHHS with the address on the form
  • Drop it off at the main office at CHHS
  • Bring it to a Booster Club meeting
  • Give it to a Booster Club member
  • Bring it to open-house at the beginning of the school year

If you are a new sponsor or a returning sponsor, we here at the Corinth Holders High School Athletic Booster Club would like to give a great thanks to you in helping support our student-athletes.  Thank you so very much.  You are very much appreciated.  GO PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!